主办单位:西北工业大学  中国航空学会
地       址:西北工业大学友谊校区航空楼




Control strategy of an active stabilized drogue for hose-drogue aerial refueling

China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center

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    软式空中加油中,由于软管本身为柔性体,在加油机尾流、阵风和大气紊流等复杂风场扰动下,存在飘摆现象,严重影响空中加油对接成功率。针对加油机尾流场建模、尾流风场扰动影响研究过程中存在精度和实时性要求较高的特点,采用神经网络与CFD 计算相结合的方法,依据高精度CFD 方法生成流场数据信息,利用BP 神经网络训练风场坐标参数和速度参数的映射关系,建立加油机尾流风场模型;针对锥套飘摆抑制控制方法存在抗干扰能力差、对模型依赖性较强、工程实现难度较大等问题,采用模糊PD 控制方法,实现复杂风场干扰下翼舵式主动增稳锥套的飘摆抑制。结果表明:Y、Z 方向平均飘摆幅度分别降低86.49%、79.04%,Y、Z 方向平均速度强度分别降低72.98%、65.29%,有效抑制锥套飘摆幅度。


    In the hose-drogue aerial refueling, because the hose is a flexible body, there is a floating phenomenon under the disturbance of complex wind fields such as tanker wake, gust and atmospheric, which seriously affects the success rate of docking. In view of the high accuracy and real-time requirements in the process of modeling the wake flow field of tanker and studying the influence of wake wind field disturbance, the method of combining neural network and CFD is adopted. Based on high-precision CFD method to generate flow field data, BP neural network is used to train the mapping between wind field coordinate parameters and velocity parameters, so as to establish the tanker wake wind field model. Aiming at the problems of poor anti-interference ability, strong dependence on model and difficulty in engineering realization, fuzzy PD control method is adopted to realize the swing suppression of wing-rudder active stabilization drogue under complex wind field interference. The simulation results show that the average floating amplitude in Y and Z directions is reduced by 86.49% and 79.04% respectively, and the flight test results show that the average speed intensity in Y and Z directions is reduced 72.98% and 65.29% respectively, which effectively restrains the floating amplitude of drogue.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-03-18
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